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Take A Look At These Awesome Coupon Tips

Jun 13

Take A Look At These Awesome Coupon Tips

Coupons are a great way to save money. You may already use them once in a while, maybe at your favorite dining spot. Perhaps you spend your Sunday afternoons clipping coupons. Regardless of how good you are at using coupons, the tips that follow may help you do better.

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Buy more than one Sunday paper so you can get doubles and even triples of your favorite coupon. Some establishments will allow you to use more than one coupon if you are buying more than one item. This will bring your savings to a whole other level than you ever thought.


Ask your friends and family if they know of any cool sites where you can find some discounts. It is always a good thing to share information with other people about where to get discounts that way you can all figure out where to save together. Just remember to always share your secrets with them and things should work out.


Think before you click the submit button! Always do an online search for coupon codes before making an online purchase. There are even whole websites dedicated to keeping databases of coupon codes. Visit or before making a purchase. It only takes a second and could save you a lot of money.


When you are clipping coupons always make sure you look on the front and back of each sheet of paper to make sure you are not going to cut into another coupon on accident. Often times the papers make sure that this will not happen by offsetting the coupons, but you will want to double check.


Keep your coupon organizer up to date. At least monthly, you should go through your stock and toss any expired coupons. If you wish, you can donate the coupons to overseas military families. Coupons can be used for several months after their expiration dates, so even if you cannot use them, they could.


To make the most from coupons, you should make sure you have a subscription to your local Sunday paper. There are coupons in the newspaper every day of the week. However, the sheer volume and variety of coupons in the Sunday paper will more than offset the cost of the subscription.


To truly maximize your coupon benefits, you should learn coupon jargon. These are words that you will see on various coupons. Some popular coupon terms are "BOGO," "MIR," and "OYNO." These terms mean, "Buy One Get One," "Mail-In Rebate," and "On Your Next Order." Taking the time to learn these terms and many more can really boost your savings.


Try contacting the manufacturer directly. If there is a product that you love, but don't often find coupons for, try contacting the company directly. Express your enthusiasm for their products and ask if they have any coupons available. Who knows? You may score some great deals on a brand you really love!


You might use a coupon once in a while, or on every shopping trip. Try your best to at least use some of the tips you got from this article. Keep this article as a handy reference in case you forget some of the details.